
Forgiveness Reiki: Hands-on Healing, Distance Healing, and Prayer with Reiki & The Holy Spirit

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Whereas many religious leaders only advocate forgiving, Michael Van Hecke teaches how to utilize hands-on healing skills to accelerate the forgiveness process. A long time hands-on healer, he advocates, "pouring out the old wine" with forgiveness before pouring in the new wine of prayer or energy healing. He is passionate about society's need to start thinking of ourselves as healers in order to live more mindfully and more compassionately.

Forgiveness Reiki is structured as a response to the question "How could you lead your church in forgiveness at your 16 year old son's funeral?" Van Hecke discusses Reiki, The Jesus Healing System and many aspects of Christianity to answer that question. He advocates reforming the contemporary church into more holistic spiritual centers for learning healing skills, meditation and mindfulness. He differentiates between healing and blessing (and not judging someone as needing to be, healed, or saved). This book includes both Forgiveness Reiki and Jesus Healing System prayers, which can be, used on their own or, to complement Reiki and other hands-on healing modalities.

Forgiveness Reiki might be required reading for any serious Reiki practitioner, but the author provides plenty of food-for-thought, for anyone who is spiritually hungry. He includes a modern Apostle's Creed and discussions on Forgiveness, FauxGiveness, Blessing, healing symbols, using loving emotions as healing symbols, and the physical manifestation of UnLove.

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