Do you need some extra help manifesting a dream?

Maybe you just need some extra help getting a message out into the Universe.
Whatever it is, we want to pray for you!
Summit a prayer to our new prayer wall by commenting below!

Are you feeling spiritually disconnect?
Using prayer is like getting that morning coffee that wakes you up.
The more you pray the more you connect to your spirit.
Prayer is one of the highest forms of manifestation, prayer opens pathways within the universe to endless positive possibilities.
Prayer is the highest vibrational thought you could have for whatever situation you are praying about. It allows you to let go and let God work the magic in your life. Sometimes praying can be just getting some time alone to get your thoughts straight, try to spend some time in nature, it helps you tremendously connect to God Source when you ground yourself in nature.

Please summit a prayer request by commenting on the forum below!
The more people that pray for you the more powerful the prayer becomes!
You can stay anonymous if you want, we just need your email to verify you are a real person.

Until you dream, there isn't a mold.
Until you speak, there isn't a promise.
Until you move, there isn't a path